Aura Walker has worked since 1995, to be one of the best in the field of hypnotherapy and alternative counseling. Aura is also clairvoyant and is trained in how to shift energy in the body as an electromagnetic mechanism. Her work transforms people on a quantum level. They begin to shift energetically on a cellular level. People report feeling immediate relief.
These are the most powerful, “full dose” sessions. Results are rapid and magical. The entire experience is transformative. Each client decides how many sessions they need. It is recommended that clients come once a month for lifestyle maintenance.
The first hypnotherapy session is an hour and a half. All follow-ups are one hour.
Prepay here PayPal and call to schedule: (310) 382-6313

Stress, Anxiety & Trauma Release
Each session gets rapid release and results fast! (Great for ALL Trauma Survivors including PTSD): 4 sessions suggested to see long-term results. Follow up sessions reinforce lasting results. Clients feel immediate relief . The first session is an hour and a half. All follow ups are one hour. These sessions include counseling and hypnosis. Aura never re-traumatizes anyone.
The client decides how many Hypnotherapy sessions they need or want thereafter. The more you do the better the long term results are, as layers of stress, trauma and or anxiety get cleared and goals get achieved faster and faster. It is suggested clients come a minimum of once per month for maintenance.

Adolescent Hypnotherapy
Aura Walker MA CHt has almost 20 years of experience working with children and families. This includes parenting sessions, teen sessions, art therapy for children 10 years and younger. All sessions are $175 per hour. You will see immediate results right in front of you with the child, in session. $200 for home visits. Home visits provide in-home comprehensive wrap-around family counseling services. For families in need of support.
The first initial hour may not include hypnosis depending on the youth. Due to brain development, hypnosis is only recommended for ages 10 and older. Parents can be present and must fill out a consent for minors form.
For ages 10 and older, Aura may do some pressure point work on the child’s neck to release built up tension. Sometimes these points are very sore. Aura will not hurt your child. She will respond to the child’s feedback if the pressure point is too sore. Only light pressure is applied to these pressure points. This helps kids focus on the associated point of discomfort, and their associated negative behaviors. Not only is this type of release work efficient, but it also reinforces a slight aversion therapy to the behavior that needs to change. Parents may choose to be present or not. Be prepared for your child to discuss what happened in the session. Aura will coach parents on how to follow up at home.
All sessions are pre-paid to schedule $175, or $200 for a home visit.
Prepay here PayPal and call to schedule: (310) 382-6313

There is at least 599 toxic cancer causing chemicals in cigarettes and 4000 emitted in the smoke. Every cigarette smoked is an act of suicide. You alone are responsible for quitting.
Hypnotherapy cannot force you to do anything you do not want to do. It is a cooperative process. Hypnosis is a helpful tool to help people to get through the detox and withdrawals that affect the body, mind, spirit, and to release old blocked emotions. If the client is willing to quit smoking, the changes can be astounding! If you decide to relapse, there are no refunds. The process starts all over. So, it is best to stay clean.
The package includes an initial hour and a half screening, intake, with hypnosis starting on a Friday. This is followed by 4 consecutive days of the counseling and hypnotherapy program with 2 follow up sessions.
You will be given a list of products to buy on your own, including detoxing foods, and a detox tea.
By the end of the program, you will feel brighter, lighter and healthier.
Suggested 6 sessions minimum! $800 total package paid in full (that is a $440 discount). This is a commitment. Are you ready to quit smoking?
Other Addictions, Besides Smoking:
Addictions are a crutch that the body uses to cope. Aura Walker has extensive experience working with addicts. She helps them to gain strength and resilience through weekly mental health coaching. This is a commitment to getting better and for self-maintenance. Each client must take responsibility for attending regular sessions. The fee is $175 a session prepaid each week. The first session is an hour and a half. Follow-ups are one hour. This is a long-term commitment to weekly therapy that includes counseling and hypnosis.
Prepay here PayPal and call to schedule: (310) 382-6313
There are no refunds for missed appointments. Appointments must be rescheduled within one-day minimum.

Job, Relationships & Goal Achievement
Are you struggling with school, or work and career issues? Aura Walker has had clients come unemployed and then get the job of their dreams. Are you struggling with relationships? Aura will coach you on what to do and what not to do, in order to maximize your relationships and choose the best relationships for yourself.
Personal goal achievement requires effort. The movie ‘The Law of Attraction’ misled so many people into believing that if they just sit around meditating on what they want, that it will come to them. Well, there is the law of cause and effect, of action and effort.
All vocational counseling and hypnotherapy sessions are $175 each. Men, ask about Aura’s special phone coaching program for men only.
Prepay here PayPal and call to schedule: (310) 382-6313

Weight Loss/Self Esteem
There is a link between obesity and childhood trauma:,8599,1951240,00.html
This is a long term commitment to yourself. The therapist cannot be there every second. It is a complete lifestyle change. You must be willing to change how you eat, how you think about yourself, and how you stay fit.
The package includes the initial hour and a half intake with hypnosis, then 7 one hour long follow up sessions over a year. This is personal coaching, self-esteem support, along with nutritional support and easy meal suggestions. Weight loss should be gradual and steady.
If you choose, Aura will accompany you on an up to two-hour shopping trip to the grocery store. She has more than 20 years of experience researching nutrition and natural medicine. She will help you at the grocery store, to select gourmet healthy diet foods and safe herbs. A recent client came 6 times and lost 30 pounds in a year! She is committed to completely letting go of her past, and to starting her emotional life over!
Aura will give you suggestions on how to clean out your pantry and show you menu ideas for easy to make meals. She was once a private chef for two Minnesota Viking Football players.
Call now to schedule: (310) 382-6313

Couples Counseling
Divorce is at 50%!
Do you truly know your partner? Do you know what communication styles will work and what will not? Is there a chance to save your marriage or relationship? Find out in the first session. Aura Walker has a high success rate. She will give you tips on how to save your relationship, or know when to call it quits. Almost everyone wants a healthy, happy love life, and loving relationship. The truth is, that relationships are challenging. Aura understands this and feels that conflict in relationships can be useful if it is kept below an explosive level. She will show couples how to use conflict to grow together.
An added challenge is that 25% of the population suffers from a mental health disorder. Many couples may find themselves dealing with a serious and/or persistent mental health disorder, in one or both partners. Aura has direct insight into these situations. She will guide you in the right direction and give you a number of resources.
$200 for an hour. This is a “two for one” deal! The first session is an initial hour and a half consult, with intro session. Follow-ups are one hour sessions. Sessions are straight couples counseling and mental health, without hypnotherapy. Get immediate results. Take a stand. Instead of ‘guesswork,’ know where you stand.
Prepay here PayPal and call to schedule: (310) 382-6313

Aura Walker has a masters degree in Transpersonal Counseling, Psychology, and Art Therapy. She is also certified by NAMI (National Alliance on Mental Illness) in the completion of their Peer to Peer and Family to Family Education Support Program. She has been working with all ages since 1995. She is incredibly skilled as a mental health counselor and has done a lot of research to gain the skills to help people feel better in a short period of time.
She is highly intuitive and will give you direct and helpful feedback, that will help you immediately. She is available to help families with at home family counseling visits. Recommended for families with a family member with a persistent mental illness, or spectrum disorder.
In person or on the phone, for one hour of straight counseling without hypnotherapy.
Please call to discuss: (310) 382-6313 All phone sessions are pre-paid; $155, $50 for shorter 30-minute advice or problem-solving sessions.
In person office visits, or at home family counseling sessions are all pre-paid and $200 per hour.
Prepay here PayPal and call to schedule: (310) 382-6313

Art Therapy
Aura Walker has a masters degree in Counseling and Art Therapy. Art Therapy utilizes art materials as a form of communication and bridging from the subconscious to conscious.
Get a peek into the inner working of your child’s mind. Art Therapy is great for children ages 10 and under, or people with disabilities, or for anyone wanting greater personal insight. It can also be used to diagnose child behaviors, or understand a nagging issue. Parents will learn helpful, behavior intervention strategies for children.
Learn more here:
The fee is $175 per session. The first session can be up to an hour and a half. Sessions thereafter are one hour. Results are rapid. Two or more pre-paid sessions have a $20 discount.
Prepay here PayPal and call to schedule: (310) 382-6313

Autism Support
Currently, about 1 in 68 or more children in the U.S. has autism. The numbers are higher for boys. About 1 in 6 children have a developmental disorder of some sort:
Aura Walker has extensive experience as a behavioral supervisor to BIT for autism. She has done art therapy assessments for autistic children and for children who have behavioral issues or stress related issues.
Aura Walker provides autism support for parents. She provides behavioral intervention therapy for children with autism. Parents gain priceless insight into the inner workings of their child’s minds and emotions, and on how to work better with their child for desired behavioral outcomes.
Aura may give key dietary suggestions that will help boost their child’s immune systems, help detox from vaccines and other environmental toxins, and perhaps aid in cognitive functioning and neurological recovery. The effects are rapid but will vary with low to high functioning ‘spectrum kids.’
Aura highly recommends the movie Vaxxed:
As well as the series Vaccines Revealed:
Aura strongly suggests avoiding all combined vaccines before age 5, and then avoid all combined shots altogether. Space out individual vaccines, if at all. Allow your child’s immune system to develop first. A nursed baby is going to be the healthiest child. Wait as long as possible. The pressure to vaccinate babies is very intense. The US has one of the highest rates of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome and autism/spectrum disorders. Based on years of research and experience. It is Aura Walker’s personal belief that there is a correlation between diet toxicity, environmental toxicity, and too many vaccines at once.
All sessions prepaid; $175 per hour, $200 for in-home family counseling and support services.
Prepay here PayPal and call to schedule: (310) 382-6313

Phone Sessions
Aura Walker has a masters degree in Transpersonal Counseling, Psychology, and Art Therapy. She has been working with all ages since 1995.
She is incredibly skilled and has done a lot of research to gain the skills to help people feel better in a short period of time. She is highly intuitive and will give you direct and helpful feedback that will help you immediately.
$125 on the phone, for one hour of straight counseling with or without hypnotherapy. Please call to discuss: (310) 382-6313 All sessions are pre-paid. Phone sessions are recommended for men. Aura has designed a special coaching program for men that is via phone only.
Prepay here PayPal and call to schedule: (310) 382-6313

Consulting for businesses, nonprofits, and corporations:
Aura Walker has experience as a public speaker, trainer, running groups and workshops since 2001. She has a 75%-90% efficacy return rate as a trainer.
Groups and Corporate workshop fees are based on an agreed upon budget: Delivering Easy ‘How To’ steps and examples on achieving specific goals. This includes organizational restructuring and targeting financial growth, quality control, and job efficacy.
Please call to make arrangements: (310) 382-6313